How Election consultants use highly targeted ads and lies on social media such as FB to destroy their opponents
Thom Hartman says that Nixon got the Vietnamese to delay peace in order to beat Humphrey; Reagan got Iran to delay releasing hostages to beat Carter; George W Bush got black voters kicked off the voting rolls and got the Supremes to stop the vote counting so he could beat Gore; Trump got black people removed from the voting rolls and he gave polling data for key states to the Russians to place social media ads to sway the election versus Clinton and to almost beat Biden.
Only $100,000 in FB ads by Russians got people upset, but $1.8 billion in FB ads for 2018 elections- mostly by big oil, big pharma, and Wall Street. There are no election rules or requirements of truth or limitations on FB ads. And no one except the intended see them, so it is hard to know about or counter lies. In Trump's election, the vast majority of the pro-Trump FB ads were by big corporate players, not the Russians.
I really liked the new movie, "I Voted? ", which shows how vulnerable electronic voting machines are. Also, on line voting is totally hackable. We need paper ballots to be able to do audits. In 30 seconds of access to an electronic voting machine, all the machines in an area can be hacked. Does your vote count? The answer is both surprising & disturbing. Learn how America's voting works in this non-partisan documentary. This is in addition to problems of taking hundreds of thousands of voters off of the voting rolls, reducing the number of polling places,their hours, and the number of machines. Currently, voting machine companies, their lobbyists, and county and state officials dominate the discussion. They don't want anyone to interfere. Democracy Now had a show on this on 11-30-16. Also, Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis have a new book, Strip and Flip, about this. The central tabulators can be hacked. The optical scanners can be hacked. So we need paper ballots and audits, which many European countries have. also has many articles about election fraud.