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    National Bird Day - January 5th!

    It's almost here -- National Bird Day!

    It can be easy to get caught up in devastating environmental news (there's so much we can do to protect wildlife and the environment!), but it's also important to celebrate nature and find solace in it.

    January 5th is National Bird Day. "One of the main purposes of National Bird Day is to draw attention to the plight of birds that are at risk of extinction due to various threats such as habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and poaching. By recognizing these threats and taking action to address them, we can help protect these beautiful creatures for future generations," reports Happy Eco News.

    This is a great chance to search for local birding events to participate in or just take time outside listening to birds and appreciating their beauty. Have fun!

    Books about the Wonders of Nature

    The Beak of the Finch  by Jonathan Weiner
    The Abstract Wild by Jack Turner
    The Blue Machine by Helen Czerski
    Turning to Stone
    Discovering the Subtle Wisdom of Rocks  by Marcia Bjornerud

    Reform Campaign Finance

    Limit campaign contributions; do public financing; ban secret dark money contributions; ban gerrymandering; pass a voting rights act; abolish the Electoral College; stop corruption on the Supreme Court

    Common Cause
    Public Citizen
    League of Women Voters

    Overturn the Citizens United supreme court ruling which allowed unlimited money contributions by corporations and gave free speech and citizenship to corporations instead of to voters; and require nonpartisan panels to designs the elections districts; do ranked choice voting; establish a commission to charge supreme court judges for corruption; reverse the unlimited power of the presidential immunity from prosecution; Pass the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to replace the Electoral College.

    Fix the FEC 

    Oil gave $75 million

    Species Extinction

    Preserve endangered species, their habitats, and the lively interdependencies between trees and fungi; bees and flowers; plankton and oxygen; fish and marshes; microbes, bacteria and viruses; forests and rivers; rainforests and butterflies; the deep ocean and climate; tropical forests and atmospheric rivers.
    Animal Welfare Institute
    Center for Biogical Diversity
    Defenders of Wildlife
    Friends of Earth (FOE)
    Jane Goodall Institute
    Rainforest Action Network

    Climate Change

     phase out oil and gas; get power from wind, sun, and water; break up  Big Oil companies that cause climate change.

    Center for Biogical Diversity,  Greenpeace, UCS, Federation of American Scientists350colorado.org,  350.org, Fridays for the Future, Sunrise Movement, Earth Justice, Food and Water Watch, Oil Change international, influencemap.org, American progress.org

    Oil cos.  are now monopolies and oligopolies.  Oil companies and  utilities may   bribe politicians, fund opposition candidates,  run dirty campaigns, hide their campaign contributions, smear opponents,  pack courts, file lawsuits, do  PR,   and lobby.
    Oil cos. oppose high mpg car requirements and efficiency standards for appliances and the electrical infrastructure.
    Oil cos. and utilities may try to  raise their profits  and to  prevent competition from wind, solar, water, local utilities, and rooftop solar panels. 

    Big Oil: Sinopec, China National Petroleum Corporation, Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, Eni and TotalEnergies, Marathon, ConocoPhillips
