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    Nature Notes- Phenology

    Nature Notes- Phenology

     4-9-19 Saw a retail land in its nest.

    4- 7-19  Canyon wrens with their swinging, descending songs, a fox, a bobcat,  stellars jay,  wild turkeys 

    Today 4-2-19 there were 2 water ouzels feeding in the shallows on Boulder Creek. They stand in the shallow water and on the shore and rocks. They do knee bends. Also, today there was a large group of shoveler ducks swimming in close knit disk about 4 feet wide, dipping their heads down to feed.

    On 4-2 I looked down from a bridge on two mallards feeding. I could see their necks and bills swiveling from side to side as they fed and swam upstream.

    I started to hear the calls of frogs and toads by a wetland west of 55th. 

    On 3-31 at dusk in the foothills at about 5600 ft, there were 2 wild turkeys. They called, ran sideways and fanned out there tails. 2 others joined them.

    On 3-12, 3 water ouzels were on rocks in Boulder Creek calling. This was right after a ranger had told a friend and me that they have beautiful calls, which he then played for us on his phone. Later that day I looked down at 2 water ouzels from a bridge. The water was so clear that I could see them swimming underwater.

    The swallows returned on 3-29!   Also, on a cool day with mist and rain in the low 30s, I saw what looked like an upside down bee hive or wasp nest on top of a branch. As I walked closer, I spied a large owl all puffed out. It had bands of light brown and dark brown. Its ears were dramatic, thin from the side and spread out from the front. Its chest stuck out like two mounds.

    saw a white pelican gyring up higher and higher the week of May1.  


    continue to see and hear water ouzel near net on creek

    saw 22 species of wildflowers in foothills 5-4-19

    heard canyon wrens in low foothills , saw 15 species of wildflowers.and 2 beavers 5-5-19

     saw 5 fox kits romping, leaping, and leaning on each other; , plus night heron,  great horned owl,  and great blue heron  5-15-19