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    News — virus

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    Our Behavior Makes the Difference!

    Dr. Osterholm on the virus. David Quammen writes in Spillover that our individual behaviors will make the difference.:  wearing a mask, coughing into a elbow, not going on a plane or to work when you are sick, etc.....  He also has anew book about how evolution can spread horizontally, by horizontal gene transfer, or infective heredity.  he has a new book the Tangled Web.

    Virus Warning - It will spread until each of us has a close relative who has died. Then  will we change our behavior.

    Mask Ratings

    Mask Ratings 

    "The N95 respirator with no valve was the most effective in the studyrs.

    A disposable surgical mask made from a plastic-derived material called polypropylene ( was the next best option, followed by a mask made from two layers of cotton and one layer of synthetic material." 

    How the Pandemic Defeated America

    Ed Yong is a wise person concerning the virus. He wrote the neat book, I Contain Multitudes. He has a new article in the Atlantic. We need fast tests, contact tracing, a good health care system,  and  paid sick leave. Article There is also a Democracy interview Democracy Now.

    Stop the Virus-Emphasize Prevention, Leadership

    Here is comprehensive Ed Yong article on the Corona virus.  He says that we need to emphasize  disease prevention and science; to have leadership from the top on wearing masks, testing, gloves, aprons, contact tracing, quarantining- not self-centered blaming, distraction , and inaction.  Now there are some virus  cases where the patients suffer long lasting waves of severe symptoms without ever being sick enough to go to the hospital. I Contain Multitudes is his amazing book on how microbes such as bacteria and fungi combine to make our immune system and digestive systems work.  More articles by Ed Yong.