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    News — voting

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    Neat Group Offers Postcards to Voters, Explaining How to Do a Mail-in Ballot

    Blue Wave Postcard Movement  Individuals buy packs of 100 postcards for $12 preaddressed to100 different  Dem voters in swing states.  The cards explain how to get a mail-in ballot.  The buyer gets stamps and adds a personal line about how important voting is, and mails the postcards to voters.  This was started by women here in Boulder, CO.   One of the leaders said that young people believe in a more progressive future. They will work for it if  politicians inspire them.

    republican voie theft

    Election Theft- Dark Money, Gerrymandering, & Voter Suppression

    There is a new article in the Rolling Stone by on how the Republicans are using 3 things to disenfranchise everyone else: dark money; gerrymandering with vote stuffing ( make a few districts 100% Dems and then have most districts with a 60% Republicans); and making it harder to vote: by requiring new ids , limiting the hours open, limiting the locations, taking people off the voting rolls if they don't respond to a postcard, removing them if they miss an election, removing them if they have a name similar to a felon, challenging them at the polls, posting flyers in lower income areas that give the wrong times and locations for voting, putting up signs saying that people will face arrest if they vote while they have unpaid fines, posting police men at the polls to intimidate, not having enough machines in Dem precincts, and the hacking the electronic voting machines and the vote counting machines,.... (https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/gop-rigs-elections-gerrymandering-voter-id-laws-dark-money-w515664)

    Dark Money Talk Today in Boulder

    The League of Women Voters is sponsoring a talk by Lisa Graves of the Center for Media and Democracy on 9-18-17 at What: Meet-up on Dark Money in Politics When: Monday, September 18 6:30-8p.m. MDT Where: Elevations Credit Union, 2960 Diagonal Hwy, Boulder, CO 80301 Sponsor: League of Women Voters of Boulder County How: There is no charge for this event, but please register online.   http://lwvbc.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=87&club_id=629866&item_id=695815&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=66d8967e-3099-4821-8c24-69401bfb8b23&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=66d8967e-3099-4821-8c24-694

    Voting Hacking- Removing voters from the voting rolls, Russian hacking, hacking electronic voting machines

    KGNU radio episode on voting: Tuesday, 6/13/2017 Hemispheres 6pm to 7 pm on Tuesday in the "archives" Host: Joe Richey REALITY WINNER, DATA SECURITY AND ELECTION QUALITY This edition of Hemispheres features comments and testimony about voting technology in the aftermath of NSA documents revealing the attempted infiltration into U.S. voting systems: Florida, California, Illinois, Indiana, New York, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. http://www.kgnu.org/hemispheres , then choose the 6-13-17 show