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    News — ocean-reefs

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    Ocean life cooperates for food protection and

    PBS special on ocean life- Soul of the Ocean

    There is a neat PBS TV show on how different ocean species cooperate to help each other- dolphins, remoras, whales, reefs, sea urchins, fish, octopus, crabs. rays, cleaner fish, - some hide in or next to poisonous, others clean the teeth and skin of of others, some spread the eggs. by reefs,...

    March 4 the Ocean-June 9th

    https://marchfortheocean.org/ For a list of other marchs around the country go to https://tgi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=2df9a3a7052a4c3db8d167f834822677   https://inlandoceancoalition.org/getinvolved/events/colorado-march-for-the-ocean

    In Colorado, Join us for the Colorado March for the Ocean (M4O) and wear BLUE! Across the nation, we'll March for the Ocean to stop oil drilling, spilling, plastic and other pollution, and to protect our coasts from sea to shining sea.
    Saturday, June 9th 2018 Event Timeline 8:00am - 12:00pm: Farmers Market tabling event 12:00pm - 1:30pm: March for the Ocean on Pearl Street (meet at the Boulder Bandshell by the Farmers Market) Location: Boulder Farmers Market & Pearl Street Mall 1900 13th St, Boulder, CO 80302


    Great Movie on Coral Reefs Declines Due to Warmer Ocean Temperatures

    This movie shows how 29 % or the 1200 mile long Great Barrier Reef has died in one year. People set out to photograph the changes in the reefs. First they created and anchored cameras that took pictures. Then they manually took pictures every day. They then start educating people about how to reduce climate change. Some decorate a bus to tour to schools, showing the photos. The fish, coral, shrimp, and most life dies when the temperature increases. Chasing Cora Come witness a journey that reveals how the greatest impact of Earth's changing climate may be hidden beneath our oceans. The screening will be followed by short presentations on how to take action on climate change by Citizens' Climate Lobby, 350 Colorado, and Sierra Club. Time: November 14, 2017 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Includes time for refreshments and connecting Location: Unitarian Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, 5001 Pennsylvania Ave., Boulder 80301 FREE, but please RSVP here to help us with planning. Hosted by: Climate Action Ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder