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    News — wildlife

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    Books about the Wonders of Nature

    The Beak of the Finch  by Jonathan Weiner
    The Abstract Wild by Jack Turner
    The Blue Machine by Helen Czerski
    Turning to Stone
    Discovering the Subtle Wisdom of Rocks  by Marcia Bjornerud

    Houston Woman and Volunteers Rescue 1500 Bats from Freezing

      Mary Warwick, Head of Houston Humane Society's Wildlife Center, and volunteers, gathered, heated up, and fed bats suffering from hypothermia during freezing temperatures.  They had fallen from under the bridge.  These free tail bats eat tons of mosquitos. 



    Emotional Stories of Whales and Whalesongs Led to Protecting Wildlife

    link  Marchs, boycotts, protests outside embassies, fiction, recordings of whalesongs along with general distrust of lying institutions and politicians during the Vietnam War- all led to the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Pelley amendment.   Friends and I circulated petitions, oranized writing  letters  to newspapers, printed save the whale t-shirts, read Mind in  the Waters and John Lily's books, Merwin's poems,  bought whale books,  organized groups, got films and speaker about wildlife, hosted Greenpreace talks, etc.....