News — pollution
Plastics Recycling Fails & Poisons
More toxic chemicals are released during plastics recycling. And loil cos. push more plastics and recycling in order to develop a demand for more oil to pro duce plastics. They do this , in case demand for oil falls. New Yorker article june 26,2023 by Elizabeth Kolbert.
Oil Company Plans to Make Plastics Waste into Fuel by a Process that give 1 in 4 Persons Cancer
link " EPA gave a Chevron refinery approval to make a fuel that could leave people nearby with a 1-in-4 lifetime risk of cancer" This would occur in a community already poisoned by many other industrial facilities. "“So-called ‘chemical recycling’ has been touted by companies like Chevron as a way to reduce plastic waste through repurposing it but turning plastic waste into fuel increases greenhouse gas emissions, subsidizes the petrochemical industry, and harms frontline communities located near these facilities.”"
PFAS, "forever chemicals" in many consumer products
Link Science News dental floss, makeup, sunscreen, carpets, stain resistant clothing, textiles, paints, fast food. packaging, microwave popcorn bags, firefighting foam, ...
Tobacco Destroys Forests and Pollutes
link Per Year: 8 million people killed, 600 million trees cut down (200,000 hectares of land clearcut), 20 milloion tons of water used to grow tobacco,4.5 trillion filters littered, 6 trillion cigarettes, lots of batteries and cartridges for e-cigarettes. toxic pesticides and fertilizers used to grow tobacco, 7000 toxic chemicals released .