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    Activist Joan Seeman and Neighbors Demand  Info on Nuclear Bomb Superfund Site and Grand Jury

    Activist Joan Seeman and Neighbors Demand Info on Nuclear Bomb Superfund Site and Grand Jury

    Often judges and the judicial system cover up and remove from access information about toxics.  This happened with tobacco lawsuits and many lawsuits over toxics.  The victims have to sign confidentiality agreements, and judges are pressured not to allow access to info about threats to public health.  This is because powerful interests want to avoid the bad pr and potential lawsuits over their offenses.  Sometimes a grand jury's purpose seems to assemble all of the info, delay things until the public uproar  has died down, and then to classify all of the info as confidential, preempting other lawsuits

    Joan writes " Where are the Secret Grand Jury 3.5 million pages of information from documents sealed regarding Rocky Flats?  How many Colorado Superfund Site documents are sealed or confidential?  City Of Denver approved sealing 7000 pages in documents recently according to Westword?  Why?


    Joan Seeman

    “The evidence they found was ultimately considered by Colorado's first-ever special grand jury, empaneled in August 1989. After two years of deliberations, the jurors wanted to indict eight individuals — some from the Department of Energy, some from Rockwell International, which ran the plant for the DOE — for environmental crimes. Instead, in March 1992 the Department of Justice sealed a deal with Rockwell, fining the company $18.5 million, less than it had made in one year of bonuses. No individuals were named.”
    “We’ve reached a stalemate in this region between advocates for economic development at or near the refuge and the community groups who believe that economic development is not safe yet,” Mellen said. “So we are seeking the disclosure of this information in order to audit the clean up that happened, the risk assessment that followed it, and the determination that the refuge portion of that property is actually safe for unlimited use and exposure.”

    “I am an FBI agent. My superiors have ordered me to lie about a criminal investigation I headed in 1989. We were investigating the US Department of Energy, but the US Justice Department covered up the truth.” retired FBI Special Agent Jon Lipsky
    Where are the Secret Grand Jury 3.5 million pages of information from documents sealed regarding Rocky Flats?
    “The plant closed after an FBI raid discovered mishandling of radioactive materials and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declared it a Superfund site. Special Federal Grand Jury 89-2 was launched August 1, 1989. Through subpoenas and informal requests, the grand jury collected more than 760 boxes of documents containing 3.5 million pages of information which remains under seal three decades later. “
    “Former grand jury foreman McKinley chronicles his experiences in the 2004 book he co-authored with attorney Caron Balkany, The Ambushed Grand Jury, which begins with an open letter to the U.S. Congress from Special Agent Lipsky:
    “I am an FBI agent. My superiors have ordered me to lie about a criminal investigation I headed in 1989. We were investigating the US Department of Energy, but the US Justice Department covered up the truth.” However, some activists dispute the reasons for records confidentiality:[49] Dr. LeRoy Moore, a Boulder theologian and peace activist[50]; retired FBI Special Agent Jon Lipsky,[46] who led the FBI's raid of the Rocky Flats plant to investigate illegal plutonium burning and other environmental crimes; and Wes McKinley, who was the foreman of the grand jury investigation into the operations at Rocky Flats (and served several terms as Colorado State Representative).[34][51][52]
    I have refused to follow the orders to lie about what really happened during that criminal investigation at Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant. Instead, I have told the author of this book the truth. Her promise to me if I told her what really happened was that she would put it in a book to tell Congress and the American people.
    “Because this grand jury ended decades ago, because these documents would have been created under routine business operations anyway, there are exceptions to the rule that permit disclosure in the proper circumstances,” said environmental attorney Pat Mellen who is representing the plaintiffs. “We believe those circumstances apply here because we are seeking these documents preliminary to litigation.”
    “Don't forget that Rocky Flats is one of the facilities that the Energy Department now admits may be "irreversibly contaminated."  
    Radioactive Rag April 1989
    Newsletter of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety SantaFe,NewMexicoUSA
    Let's rename it Sloppy Flats
    “The Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant in Golden, Co. is in the news once more. On February 23, chromic acid, including hexvalent chromium-a highly toxic metal overflowed from a holding tank into the plant's water 
    treatment system. The tainted water was then sprayed onto nearby fields. Colorado Department of Health's Patty 
    Corbetta described "bad operating procedures...they found the waste and went ahead and sprayed before they had the analyses back." Countered Rocky Flats spokesman Pat Etchart, "We're continuing sampling and evaluating...we plan to assess and mitigate."
    Don't forget that Rocky Flats is one of the facilities that the Energy Department now admits may be "irreversibly contaminated."
    And the Sierra Club recently filed suit against Rocky Flats to force compliance with state and federal regulations governing the burning of mixed hazardous waste. Incinerators at the· plant burn plutonium-contaminated weapons parts and equipment although the facility has never been licensed to treat or dispose of hazardous waste.”

    Utilities make many Millions More by Opposing Local Rooftop Solar

    Utilities make many Millions More by Opposing Local Rooftop Solar

    The more utilities spend on large projects, the more they get. In Colorado, Xcel energy has opposed renewable energy goals, more efficient street lights, a local Boulder city municipal electric utility,  etc. over the years. Utility companies want to install centralized wind and solar that they own and that sometimes costs over twice the amount it would if they were to buy the energy from a lower priced bidder, instead of building and operating  it themselves


    Great Writer & Activist Sandra Steingraber to Speak on Fracking Dangers

    Dr. Sandra Steingraber, The Environmental and Health Risks of Fracking , Thursday October 4, 2018, 7 pm

    I was stimulated to act and to care by her writings. I liked her book Living Downstream.

    The Cube at MCA in Stapleton 8371 Northfield Blvd, Denver, CO 80238

    The State of New York took a hard look at the science on fracking and now has a statewide ban on fracking. The documentation is at https://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/75370.html (SEQR is State Environmental Quality Report) The State of Colorado continues to equivocate on the science and we have an estimated 50,000 fracking wells and all of the environmental, health and public safety issues that accompany all those wells... One of the key scientists that helped drive the New York process is the acclaimed Dr. Sandra Steingraber, and... SHE IS COMING TO COLORADO NEXT WEEK.... Please Pass the Word to Your Networks--Thanks! (More information below.)

    Clean Energy Action

    will be hosting

    (along with 350 Colorado and other climate action allies)

    acclaimed ecologist and author

    Reception with Dr. Steingraber--5:30-6:30 at The Cube

    Suggested Donations $30 Reception and Talk $20 Public Talk Only

    Larger donations if you can afford them will be appreciated.

    No one will be kept away from the public talk for lack of funds.

    We want everyone to hear the science on fracking!

    Dr. Steingraber's website is http://steingraber.com/


    The 2014 New York review on the scientific and health impacts of fracking that led to the NY ban is at



    The Physicians for Social Responsibility review of the environmental and health risks of fracking is at the link below. Dr. Steingraber is a co-author.


    While the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment ("CDPHE") continues to equivocate, others that have taken a hard look at the science have recognized the rapidly growing body of studies that outline the risks of fracking and natural gas production.

    Dr. Steingraber will help us understand what the science is telling us about fracking and natural gas production.

    Please pass the word to your networks.

    For most of us, this is a "Once in a Lifetime" opportunity.

    Hope to see you there!!

    Thanks as always

    Leslie Glustrom

    720-341-3154-cell Clean Energy Action, Boulder, Colorado

    Accelerating the Transition to the Post Fossil Fuel World


    Biologist Sandra Steingraber, PhD, said:

    “What impressed us, as we reviewed and compiled the data, is just how extensive the impacts from drilling and fracking processes are. Spikes in toxic air pollution accompany fracking wherever it goes. Drinking water is destroyed. Earthquakes are triggered. Abandoned wells leak. Pipelines explode. Climate-killing methane escapes from every component part. And nearby residents are suffering health problems consistent with their exposures—including newborn infants.”

    Quote From Physicians for Social Responsibility website:


    Banning Straws


    this article explains positive spillover of doing a good deed and being inspired to go further, the hazard of moral licensing and doing some bad cuz you're entitiled , and the need for momentum. Plus the use of public shaming or joining .

    Starbucks announced this week that it will completely phase out straws by the year 2020.

    U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has proposed a ban on plastic straws. Vancouver banned them. Scotland, Taiwan have bans in place. Seattle, Marriott, and McDonalds will ban them.

    "500 million. That's the number of straws that we use in the United States every single day."