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    moose from web

    Encountered a Moose and a Meteor While Hiking

    Friends led me on a hike up the north side of a local 9,000 foot high mountain last Sunday. We scrambled over downed trunks from an earlier forest fire. It was comforting to regularly encounter cairns on the way up. Dave was a few hundred feet ahead as we hiked down a trail in the darkening twilight. He turned on his headlight, and I complained, telling him to put it under a bushel. He came back up the trail in a rush, saying that he had encountered a moose. Someone said we should find trees to climb up to escape. We scrambled uphill away from the moose, and the moose peaceably ambled up the trail. After hiking with our headlamps for a while, we stopped to look up at the stars. Suddenly a bright meteor streaked across the sky. The Milky Way, Cygnus, and Cassiopeia stood out. Later we saw another meteor.

    Use Poetic Religious Language to Connect with and Save Wildlife

    Geroge Monbiot says use words like nature, wildlife, life, beauty, awe of nature, "the silence when we watch wild animals",living planet, natural world, places of natural wonder, and ecocide instead of colorless economic terms. This is because certain words trigger responses.

    Here is his article:


    I AM A MAN

    Protestors and Dreamers Needed for Justice for People and for Nature

    It says that those who challenge to racism, colonialism, sexism, elitism, militarism, classism, exceptionalism, chauvinism, triumphalism, nationalism, religionism, .... are marginalized in historical accounts, yet their protests and "impossible" dreams are vital for change and justice.
    About changing what is considered doable: ( A friend said that Bernie Sanders is bringing up the possibility of not being allied with the dictatorial Saudi regime, though it is a major weapons purchaser and ally. The friend said that this is an example of the "Overton Window".)
    We can bring up the rights of nature, of trees, of rivers, of wetlands, of coral reefs, of animals, of wildlife, of wolves, of bears, of dolphins, of whales, of birds, of endangered species, of ecosystems, and of animals. We can also bring up the right to clean water and clean air. Here are links about the rights of nature. https://therightsofnature.org/articles ,


    Trumpeter Swans Flourish

    Once they were common in the US and Canada. Then they were hunted for their feathers, skins, and meat. Around 1933 there were only 70 trumpeter swans left in the lower 48 states. Now there are more than 63,000. They recovered because hunting was banned, remnant populations were discovered in Alaska and near Yellowstone, wildlife refuges were created, and they were reintroduced to . Steve Jones gave a great talk to Boulder Audubon about how they are repopulating the lakes in western Nebraska. He likes to go and camp near them, watching their families grow, near spring fed lakes and rivers with otters, and chinook salmon. You can join the Trumpeter Swan Society to help them. http://www.trumpeterswansociety.org/


    Help Natives, Salmon, & Rivers - Stop Dirty Gold Mine

    Trump and EPA head Pruitt just reversed the protection of Alaska's Bristol Bay salmon rivers. Please write your politicians and letters to the editor to protest this. Pruitt is approving a mine that will produce 10 million tons of mining waste at the headwaters of the watershed. Native-Americans, Alaskans, fishermen, and enviros oppose the Pebble mine.

    Link: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/05/12/trumps-epa-chooses-foreign-mining-interests-over-critical-alaska-watershed

    "Bristol Bay is a critical wild salmon fishery, providing 46 percent of the world's supply of wild sockeye salmon, according to the NRDC. Its fishery is worth $1.5 billion a year, and it provides habitat for 29 fish species, 40 terrestrial mammal species, and 190 bird species."