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    News — climate change

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    Lake Powell May Go Dry - Cutting Off Water for the Colorado River

    Wash Post article  The drought will change the water temp, and cities will need alternative power and water.  So we will need to plant trees, stop the logging of forests upstream, and conserve water.  Also, we need to switch to local water and local, publically- owned electric power utilities , as the for-profit utilities often gouge their customers and delay efforts to switch to renewables  .

    Boreal Forest Being Cut down

    Alexandra Heal in the Financial Times 9-10-22. "The Ancient subarctic forests at risk from climate change and war".  she says these forests are going fast due to global warming and fires.  They store lots of carbon-more than humans have released since 1870!    



    Although much of the boreal is undeveloped, logging is rampant in parts of Canada and Siberia. More than 4,000 sq km of Canada’s ancient trees are cut down every year, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. This destroys wildlife habitat and can also release carbon from the soil. An environmental research paper found last year that fires in Siberia were more frequent near felling sites.