Pesticide & Big Tobacco Companies Use PR to Distort Reality for Profit
The recent Intercept article, "The Pesticide Industries Playbook for Poisoning the Earth" by Lee Fang, shows how PR, think-tanks, and universities and scientists funded by industry, are used to create doubt and stop laws that would ban deadly pesticides. It is disturbing in that it shows how effective the techniques and tactics are. This is also shown in the book and movie Merchants of Doubt, where the doubt is created about cigarettes causing cancer, whether global warming is happening, whether the ozone hole is a threat, whether the Star Wars missile defense works, etc. The same think-tanks and tactics are used by the pesticide companies recently.
"Another groundbreaking study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports showed that neonics are likely causing serious birth defects in white-tailed deer.
In September, a study released in the academic journal Science revealed that migrating songbirds suffered immediate weight loss following the consumption of only one or two seeds treated with neonics.
Studies have tied neonics to the disappearance of native bees, butterflies, mayflies, dragonflies, amphipods, and a range of waterborne insects, as well as earthworms and other insect invertebrates. Several species of bumblebees in the U.S. and Europe are approaching extinction, a die-off researchers say is tied to the use of neonics and other pesticides.
In the journal Science, a study confirmed that field-realistic applications of neonics reduced bumblebee fertility by 85 percent."
Here is an article in Grist about cigarette companies creating doubt.