Support Municipalization of Boulder's Electric Utility
If Xcel (70% fosssil fuel driven...) has their say,
Boulder's municipalization efforts
will be killed in the next 2 weeks...
You can help!!
1) Attend: Monday, April 17, 2017:
Rally 5pm: Public Hearing 6 pm
City of Boulder Council Chambers,
1777 Broadway, Boulder (Corner of Canyon and Broadway)
Please come. Speak if you possibly can, but just being there will be a big help! (The memo describing Xcel's empty and unenforceable proposals is too big to send, but you can find it here. More information on the City of Boulder's Energy Future webpage. For the IPG position statement see here) Some talking points to get you started:
The climate crisis is real and extremely serious. The future calls on us to be courageous
Xcel is still over 70% fossil fuel driven
Xcel's "partnership" proposal has no substance and is not enforceable
Boulder has come this far. Please finish the PUC process so we know whether there is a Constitutional right to municipalize or not.
We need alternatives other than a profit-driven, highly fossil fuel dependent Investor Owned Utility to move Colorado forward
Boulder was swayed earlier by Xcel's promises of delivering "Smart Grid City." That was a fiasco that has come to nothing.
Please don't be fooled again by Xcel's flattery and grandiose promises of a "partnership" that are currently nothing more than empty words and are not enforceable.
2) Write: Short Notes to the Colorado PUC (Mention Docket 15A-0589E. Xcel's Motions to Dismiss Boulder's case will be decided in the next 2 weeks or less by the PUC. Please don't delay in writing a short note to the PUC. Let me know if you want to see the legal motions Xcel has filed. There are several and they are big and dense--which of course is all part of Xcel's strategy....)
In your (short and very short are fine!!) notes to the PUC, please:
Thank them for their work,
Let them know you support Boulder's Constitutional Right to municipalize
Let them know you want more options than just an Investor Owned/For Profit monopoly that is still heavily (70+%) fossil fuel dependent
Thank them for making it possible for communities to choose their own future.
Emails can go to
The on-line comment form is here
You can either do an e-mail or use the on-line comment form.
Use whichever you prefer.
At the very least, please write the PUC now.
Talking points and e-mail address above.
Short notes are fine.
Please come if you possibly can on
Monday April 17, 2017 to Boulder.
Come late if you need to.
If you can't attend on Monday April 17, 2017, short notes to Boulder City Council would be a big help.
Talking points above.